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AAS Tassman 4
‘Electronic Toolkit’ sound set

A collection of 633 new performances utilising almost all default library instruments with six instruments by Christophe Duguesne.

This sound bank gives a solid foundation for contemporary electronic music production. Sounds which have not been available in Tassman4 previously, update Tassman’s sonic arsenal with a modern and vibrant palette.

This first commercial Tassman4 sound bank also officially launched on September 2007.

This sound bank contains two exciting instruments built by Christopher Duguesne which are not available elsewhere:
1. Warlus - a very flexible bass synth. Mp3 demo.
2. Duke PM Drum - a complex percussion drum machine.
Ethnic loops mp3.
Dance influenced loops mp3 - still with an ethnic vibe.

User comments

“Gotta be the best $US30 I've spent all year”
” contains enough sounds from each category to make a complete song with”
“I must tell you how pleased I am with your new Tassman presets”.

Source: AAS Forum.

“I'm buying this on faith without even listening to the demos - your's and Christophe's work is that good and I know I will not be disappointed”
“I don't think any Tassman user should be without this set as it brings Tassman to a whole new level”
“wow very nice demos, i don't have tassman, but you're making me lust for it...”
“This is awesome - even better than my high expectations”
Source: KVR Audio Forum

“The two new Tassman instruments are awesome. Respect.”
Lind Bohm, Krautnoise (via email)

“These are both fascinating instruments that take the Tassman ‘where  no Tassman has gone before’."
William O'Connell (via email)

Purchase content

- 633 Tassman4 performances and custom instruments
- PDF guide


Instant. Download link is provided immediately after purchase and also sent to the email address provided during purchase.

AAS Tassman4 
‘Electronic Toolkit' sound set

Permanent price reduction

The Tassman sound set is permanently reduced from its original price of €40 to €12. This is due to AAS depreciating the Tassman4 plugin as a product.
This is a saving of 70% !


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